The Importance of a Consistent and Quiet Learning Space

For many teachers and students, the idea of participating in music lessons online can be intimidating. After all, music lessons are traditionally taught in-person in either a classroom or private studio. One of the major benefits of in-studio lessons is having a consistent, quiet and relatively soundproof room to learn. Regardless of the instrument or the type of learning involved, one cannot underestimate the value of a quiet lesson environment as it promotes proper social interaction between teacher and student and a focus on learning.

Where possible, ensure that you can have your instrument in a quiet, distraction-free room or area. If it is not feasible to move your instrument, such as an acoustic piano or a drum kit, try establishing "quiet time" in that area during lessons. Have family members who are not actively participating in lessons to engage in quiet activities such as silent reading, or have children play freely or watch TV in a different part of the house. Avoid other potentially loud activities such as cleaning or cooking in proximity to the lesson area.

Try to keep the same lesson area every week. Once you have your lesson area set up, you will want to keep it consistent. This maximizes lesson time for the teacher/student by reducing the time it takes to set up their seating area, lighting, camera angle, and sound levels. If you are required to tear down the lesson area after each lesson, ensure that you have methods in place to set up your lesson area each week in a consistent manner.

This can be difficult at first, especially for larger families or those with limited space and environmental constraints, but once you can develop a routine around quiet lesson time and a consistent learning space, it will greatly add to the experience of online lessons for both teacher and student.